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A banner with an image of the Provo Historic Courthouse and the text Historic Provo.


Books Available Online

Title Summary
Pioneers and Prominent Men of Utah This pioneer classic includes biogrphaical sketches and nearly 5,000 portraits of many male pioneers who immigrated to utah prior to 1868.
Latter-Day Saint Biographical Encylopedia
Vol. 1, Vol. 2, Vol. 3, and Vol. 4
Andrew Jenson compiled this four volume reference which includes over 5,000  biographical sketches and over 2,000 photographs of Mormon pioneers.
Portrait, Genealogical, and Biographical Record of the State of Utah Includes just over 400 biographical sketches of prominent Utahns of the 19th  century.
Utah Gazetteer and Directory of Logan, Ogden, Provo, and Salt Lake Cities (1884) Besides including business and residential directories for Logan, Ogden, Provo,  and Salt Lake, this compilation includes a general description of Utah in 1884  covering geography, agriculture, manufacturing, mining, railroads, commerce,  and a chronology. It contains overview of each county. Also covers Utah  attractions, churches, benevolent societies, government officials, educational  institutions, immigration statistics, and production & property statistics for 1883. 
Brigham Young University: A House of Faith A history of Brigham Young Univeristy from its beginnings to the early 1980s. 
Establishing Zion: The Mormon Church in the American West, 1847-1869 Covers many aspects of Mormon colonization and life in the West up to the  arrival of the transcontinental railroad. 
A Schoolmarm All My Life: Personal Narratives from Frontier Utah Twenty-four personal narratives of frontier schoolteachers edited to focus on the  education of the women, including entries that illuminate how their personal  lives varied from traditional western teachers. 
The Internet Archive A digital library database, this website contains millions of books and other  media including thousands of scanned historical resources about Provo and  other local locations. 

Print Materials Available at Provo City Library

Title Author & Holdings Call Number
One Hundred Years of Journalism in Provo, Utah: A History of the Daily Herald and its  Predecessors from   1872-1972

Southern Illinois University, 1980. 438 p. 

Raymond E. Beckham 

 Special Collections 070 B388o
Out of the Ashes: From Tabernacle to Temple:  Based on a True Story

American Fork: Covenant Communications, 2015. 32 p. 

Judy Fetcher Davis

 Special Collections 246.958 D27o
Provo's Two Temples

Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Company, 2015. 364 p. 

Richard O. Cowan

 246.9589 COW 2015
Provo LDS Seminary 

Provo: [S.n.], 1976.

Lynn Banks

 Special Collections 268.433 P979
Provo's Two Tabernacles and the People Who  Built Them

Provo: Provo Utah East Stake, 1983. 192 p. 

N. La Verl Christensen

 Special Collections 277.9224 C462p
Protestant and Catholic Churches of Provo

Provo: BYU Center of Family and Community History.  1986. 233 p. 

David M. Walden

 Special Collections 280.0979 W144p LPB
Salt of the Earth: The History of the Catholic Church   in  Utah, 1776-2007

Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 2008. 391 p. 

Bernice Mather Mooney

 Special Collections 282.792 M779s 2008
The Revised Ordinances of Provo City Provo: Published by Authority of the Board of  Commissioners, 1877-1985  Special Collections 348.74792 REV
History of the Utah State Hospital, Provo: A  study of the Evolution of Public Care for the  Mentally Ill

Salt Lake City: University of Utah 1948. 172 p. 

Charles Robert McKell

 Special Collections 362.2109 M195h 1948
Utah State Hospital, Provo, Utah

Provo: Utah State Hospital, 1976. 157 p. 

Paul I. Thorpe

 Special Collections 362.2109 UT1 1976
Provo Police Remembered 

Provo: Provo Police Retired, 2001

Kenneth Forshee & Gary Miner

 Special Collections 363.2097 P949 2001 Vol.   1
History of the Provo City Fire Department

[Provo: The Department}, 1959. 43 p. 

Ephraim H. Davis

 Special Collections 363.37 D292 1959
A Century of Public Education in Provo, Utah

Provo: [S.n.] 1944. 194 p. 

John C. Moffitt

 Special Collections 372 M72c

Provo: Dixon Middle School, 1931-.

Holdings: 1947, 1971

 Special Collections 373.1897 D647 1947

Provo: Brigham Young University, 19-.

Holdings: 1910-1931, 1933-1985

 Special Collections 378.7922 BAN

Provo: Brigham Young University High School, 19-.

Holdings: 1934, 1945-1946, 1948-1950, 1956-1968

 Special Collections 373.7922 B768w
Wildcat '67

Provo: Brigham Young University High School, 1967.

1 computer disk

 Special Collections 373.7922 B768w 1967

Provo: Farrer Middle School. 1966.

 Special Collections 373.1897 F248e 1966
The Echo

Provo: Farrer Middle School, 1969-

Holdings: 1970-1978, 1980-1984

 Special Collections 373.1897 F248e
Farrer Middle School

Provo: Farrer Middle School, 1985-

Holdings: 1985-1988, 1990-1998, 2000-2003, 2005

 Special Collections 373.1897 F248f
Junior Life 

Provo: Provo Junior High School, 1926

 Special Collections 373.1897 P949j 1926
Talon: Timpview High School Yearbook

Provo: Timpview High School, 1977-.

Holdings: 1978-1993, 1995, 1998, 2002, 2004-2011, 2013-  2020

 Special Collections 373.1897 T489t
Talon: Timpview High School Yearbook

Provo: Timpview High School, 2016.

Holdings: 1978-2015; 10 computer discs

 Special Collections 373.1897 T489t
Provost: Provo High School Yearbook

Provo: Provo High School, 1918-. 

Holdings: 1920, 1925, 1931, 1933-1939, 1941-1942, 1945-  1946, 1948, 1950-1953, 1958, 1961-1967, 1972, 1975-  1976, 1978-1986, 1991, 1993, 2005-2008, 2011-2018

 Special Collections 373.7922 P949p
Provo High School Yearbooks: 1920-2015

Provo: Provo High School, 2016. 

Holdings: 1920-2015

22 computer discs

 Special Collections 373.7922 P949p
Brigham Young University: The First One Hundred   Years

Provo: Brigham Young University Press, 1975-1976. Four  Volumes

Ernest L. Wilkinson 

 378.7922 BRI
History of Buildings and Ground, Development  and Maintenance of Brigham Young University:  Brigham   Young Academy 1875-1903, Brigham  Young University 1903-1947, Including Brief  Sketches and Additions of Physical Plant  Maintenance 1947-1973

Provo, [S.n. 1989?]. 365 p. Karl A. Miller

 378.7922 MIL 1989
Brigham Young University: 1,000 views of 100  years

Provo: Brigham Young University Press, 1975. 354 p. 

Edwin Butterworth

 Special Collections 378.7922 B982b 1975
A History of Commercial Fishing on Utah Lake

Provo: Brigham Young University Press, 1969. 142 p. 

D. Robert Carter

 Special Collections 639.2 C245h
Tabernacle to Temple: The Past, Present &  Future of Provo's City Center

Provo: Daily Herald, 2013. 19 p.  

 Special Collections 726.5097 T113 2013
Utah Gazetteer and Directory of Logan, Ogden,  Provo, and Salt Lake Cities

Salt Lake City: Printed for Sloan & Dunbar, by the Herald  Printing & Publishing Company. 1884. 634 p. 

Robert W. Sloan

 Special Collections 917.92 Ut1 1884
Polk's Provo City and Utah County Directory

Salt Lake City: R.L. Polk & Co., 1900?-

Holdings: 1917-1918, 1920, 1922, 1926, 1929, 1930-1931,  1935-1936, 1939, 1941, 1944, 1946, 1950, 1953, 1955-  1962, 1964-1965, 1967-1980, 1982-1984, 1985, 1987,  1996, 1998, 2000-2002, 2004-Present 

 Special Collections 917.9224 P759
 Historic Provo: A Self-Guided Tour of Historic   Architecture in Provo, Utah

Provo: Provo City, 1999.020 p. Provo Landmarks  Commission

 Special Collections 917.9224 P949h
Biographical Sketches of Former Mayors of  Provo,   Utah: A Report to the Provo Municipal  Government

1990. 143 p. 

David M. Walden

 Special Collections 920.0792 WAL

Brief History of Provo City Cemetery

Provo: 1997. 11 p. 

Cathy Jackson

 Special Collections 929.5979 BRI 1997

Charleston, S.C.: Arcadia Pub., c2011. 127 p. 

Marilyn McMeen Miller Brown and Valerie Holladay

 979.224 B8121p 2011
Tales from Utah Valley: Spellbinding and  Somtimes Strange Selections from the Daily  Herald's History Page

[Provo]: Daily Herald, 2005-2007. 2 volumes. 

D. Robert Carter

 979.224 CAR 2005 & 979.224 CAR 2007
Utah Lake: Legacy

[Provo]: June Sucker Recovery Implementation Program,    [2002?]. 165 p. 

D. Robert Carter

 979.224 CAR 2002
A History of Utah County

Salt Lake City: Utah State Historical Society, 1999. 434 p.

Richard Neitzel Holzapfel

 979.224 HOL 1999
Memories that Live: Utah County Centennial  History

Springville: Art City Publishing, 1947. 488 p. 

Emma N. Huff

 979.224 MEM 1947
Provo & Orem: A Very Eligible Place: An  Illustrated  History

Northridge, Calif.: Windsor Publications, 1987. 128 p. 

Kenneth L. Cannon

 979.224 CAN 1987
Founding Fort Utah: Provo's Native Inhabitants,  Early Explorers, and First Year of Settlement 

[Provo]: Provo City, 2003. 263 p. 

D. Robert Carter

 979.224 CAR 2003
From Fort to Village: Provo, Utah 1850-1854

Provo: Provo City, 2008. 262 p. 

D. Robert Carter

 979.224 CAR 2008
Troubled Times: Provo, Utah 1855-1856

Provo: Provo City, 2015. 252 p. 

D. Robert Carter

 979.224 CAR 2015
Conflict and Change: Provo, Utah 1857-1859

Provo: Provo City, 2017. 345 p. 

D. Robert Carter

 979.224 CAR 2017
A Historical Study of the Explorations of Utah  Valley and the Story of Fort Utah

Brigham Young University, M.A. Thesis, 1946. 

Ray E. Colton

 Special Collections 979.224 PROVO C722h   1946
History of Provo City

[Provo, Utah?: s.n., n.d]. 15 leaves. 

Jane B. Evans

 Special Collections 979.224 PROVO Ev15
A Look at Provo, Utah: Spring 1972

Unpublished paper, Brigham Young University, 1978. 72  leaves. 

Merwin G. Fairbanks, ed. 

 Special Collections 979.224 PROVO F1531   1978
Pleasant Views: A History of the Early Pleasant View   Area of Northeast Provo, Utah

S.I.: S.n., [1974?]. 288 p. 

Merle S. Foote

 Special Collections 979.224 PROVO F739p
History of Provo, Utah

Provo: Published by the Author, 1924. 414 p. 

J. Marinus Jensen

 Special Collections 979.224 PROVO J453h   1924
Provo: A Story of People in Motion

Provo: Brigham Young University Press, 1974. 106 p. 

Marilyn M. Miller and John C. Moffitt

 Special Collections 979.224 PROVO M612i 1974
The Story of Provo, Utah

Provo: John C. Moffitt, 1975. 301 p. 

John C. Moffitt

 979.224 STO 1975
Provo: Pioneer Mormon City

Portland, Ore.: Binfords & Mort, 1942. 223 p. Compiled by  the Workers of the Writers' Program of the Work Projects  Administration for the State of Utah

 979.224 PRO 1942
Pictorial Provo: An Illustrated Industrial Review  of Provo, the Garden City of Utah

[Provo: by the author], 1910. 88 p. 

William M. Wilson

 Special Collections 979.224 PROVO W699p   1910
Carter Pioneers of Provo, Utah: A Biographical,  Genealogical, and Historical Account of the  Dominicus and Other Carter Families 

Provo: J.G. Stevenson, 1966. 504 p. 

Arthur D. Coleman

 Special Collections B Carter